Fast Guest Book


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Fast Guest Book

           Jeg har igennem alt for lang tid, haft problemer med min gæstebog, det håber jeg nu jeg har fået løst, så jeg slipper for de alt for mange spam besøg der har været i den. Nogen dage kunne det være helt op til 200 indlæg med diverse links til pornosider og lign. som jeg bestemt ikke kan gå ind for, så jeg håber, at hvis du har haft et indlæg i den, at DU så vil genskabe det, på forhånd tak.Jeg har måttet give op overfor selv at finde en løsning og har derfor brugt en løsning jeg faandt på nettet via en kammerat så skulle I/Du have brug for en gæstebog, kan jeg anbefale denne.

           Fast Guest Book is an Elegantly designed guest book with cool front end for visitors and powerful panel for Admin from where he control his Guest Book different features.

           It is very affordable; just US$ 5. At this low price you can add a cool guest book to your websites to increase the interest of your visitors and take feedback from them in a cool way.

          You can easily customize its header and footer according to your own needs. you can change the design totally too without bothering about anything, Its code is very flexible and would be given to you so that you can play around with code to make it fix with your site needs and style.

           It is very affordable module as compare to any other of its successors.


Designed and Distributed by Fast Creators

 Designed and Distributed by Fast Creators