Three women died in a car accident and went to heaven. When they arrived Saint Peter said , "Here is only ONE rule in Heaven don't step on the ducklings."



When they came in, they saw that it was true there were ducklings all over. It was almost impossibel not to step on one of the ducklings, though they try very hard the first woman had an accident and stepped on one of those. Saint Peter arrived with the ugliest man ever seen, put them together in chains and says  "That's your punishment for stepping on a duckling, and forever you'll be chained to this ugly man!"


Next day the number two woman stepped on a duckling. The man who see everything, Saint Peter arrives with another ugly man, using the same comment as yesterday he chains no. two woman to that man.


The third woman has seen what happened to her girlfriends, and don't want that to happen to her, so she walks very, VERY carefully.


She managed not to step on the ducklings for several months, and one day Saint Peter came to her, with the most handsome, and beautyfull man, ever seen. very tall, long eyelashes,  muscular and not fat at all.



Saint Peter put them together in chains without a word. The woman said: "I wonder what happened, since I should be chained with to forever."


The guy said, "I don't know what YOU did, but I stepped on a duckling!"